Tapahtuman kuvaus
Celebrating Our Diversity is a networking and exchange platform for members of the Anna Lindh Foundation. The forum highlights initiatives that contribute to building inclusive, sustainable and intercultural cities. This year, the forum will be held online on 20-21 May (via ZOOM). That way we will celebrate the International Day of Cultural Diversity on 21 May.
This is an open call for civil society activists in the 42 Euro-Med countries to participate in the forum and to propose and lead their own workshops in the practitioners lab and in break-out rooms by using open space technology. After one year amidst the pandemic, we want to explore how to launch new beginnings for our cities and communities on the local, national and regional levels. The forum will be held in English.
– you are part of an organisation in the Euro-Med region that is active in the fields of youth empowerment, gender equality, climate action, migration and working with refugees, and arts and culture.
– you want to meet other members of the Anna Lindh Foundation networks and build partnerships in the Euro-Med region
– you are eager to share your project with a wide network of civil society in the Euro-Med region
– you are thirsty to listen and be inspired by others’ initiatives in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals agenda 2030.
Apply to the forum by 4 May here. Note: if you sign up to attend the forum, it is mandatory to attend both days.
Participation is free of charge. Priority will be given to ALF network members.
20 May
09.00 Welcome and introduction to the programme
09.20 Networking arena
10.30 Break
10.45 Practitioners Lab (participants need to specify in the application form if they want to host their own workshop/session)
11.45 Check-out
12.00 Lunch (optional)
21 May
09.00 Welcome and feed forward (re-cap from day 1)
09.25 New seeds | Open Space Technology
10.45 Break
11.00 Sharing the seeds
11.30 Spoken words with Sarah Rahmeh (Denmark)
11.40 Check-out
12.00 Lunch (optional)
Maria Scordialos (Greece)
Maria’s work focuses on creating participatory processes that invite people from all backgrounds to have conversations that matter. She designs gatherings, trainings, and longer-term initiatives that provide the opportunity for public engagement, organisational development, systemic change with longterm impact.
Read more: www.mariascordialos.com
Julia Hoffmann (Germany)
Julia is a visual facilitator, scribe and social innovator. She work with teams, inviduals, organisations and networks supporting learning, movement and sensemaking. A visual thinker and creative at heart, she co-hosts process, sensemaking and self-care practices that invite groups to tap into their collective creativity and intelligence. Julia is a self-taught artist and illustrator who deeply enjoys diving into visual arts and bringing them to the field of social transformation.
Read more: www.mosaics-circles.de/portfolio
Elodie Labonne (France/Sweden)
Elodie is a Tango dancer and Gyrokinesis®️ instructor. She is very committed to body awareness, strength building of our bodies while at the same time calming our minds. In 2020, she founded Connect with Joy to share the joy of moving and dancing, of getting to know our body, and of connecting with others.
Read more: www.connectwithjoy.com
Celebrating Our Diversity is an initiative of the National Museums of World Culture (Sweden) in partnership with Centre for Cultural and General Studies Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Finnish Institute in the Middle East (Finland) and the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (Lebanon).
For queries, please write to ALF Swedish coordinator rasha.shaaban@varldskulturmuseerna.se