Tapahtuman kuvaus
Kansainvälinen Anna Lindh -säätiö järjestää koulutuksen opettajille monikulttuurisesta kasvatuksesta. Koulutukseen on hyvä mahdollisuus tulla valituksi Suomesta, joten hakeminen kannattaa! Anna Lindh -säätiö maksaa valittujen osallistujien matkat ja majoitukset koulutuksen aikana. Lähetä hakemuksesi verkoston koordinaattoreille 3.10. puoleen päivään (klo. 12:00) mennessä.
In the framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation Intercultural Learning and Cities Programme aiming at preparing people of the region to live and be active within multi-cultural societies, the Anna Lindh Foundation is organising a Regional Training for Trainers on Intercultural Citizenship Education in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The training is addressed to educators in the formal and non-formal education sector.
The training is based on the capacity building methodology on intercultural dialogue developed by a team of experts coordinated by the Anna Lindh Foundation having as main educational reference the Anna Lindh Foundation Education Handbook on Intercultural Citizenship in the Euro-Med region.
The training will be carried out in English, but the team of trainers includes French and Arabic speakers who can support participants who are not fully proficient in English (for a second training planned to take place in 2020 we are assessing the possibility of developing it with French as a main common language, according to the needs we assess in this regard).
The training is scheduled for 5 days, from 25 November to 1 December (including traveling dates) in Nicosia, Cyprus. Following the face-to-face training, educators should commit to organise educational activities in their respective communities and will be accompanied in this process through a mentorship scheme by the trainers.
The Finnish network will send the applications of 3 potential participants using the enclosed application form. Send your application to the network coordinators by 12:00 on 3 October.
Through this Call the ALF will select 30 participants for the Training for Trainers and will cover the related travel and accommodation costs. Participants will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
Additionally, participants should:
Furthermore, based on the relevance and quality of applications, the ALF will try to ensure the selection of representatives from different countries of the region with a tentative ratio of 10 Southern Mediterranean and 20 European participants and with gender balance.
Should you need any further clarifications please do not hesitate to contact eleonora.insalaco@annalindhfoundation.org (Head of Intercultural Research and Programming).